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Memebership Plans
In order to become a club member:
1- You must first apply for membership. If you have already done so, you need to verify your email in order for you account to be activated (please check your spam box if you have not received the email in your inbox).
2- Upon the approval of board members your account will be activated and an email will be sent to you.
3- After the board approval, you can log in to the account you created in step 1. Then you must select a membership type and pay the fees using credit cards, personal check or PayPal.
4- Once the payment is received, you will gain full access to the club's "member only" page.
If you are ready to make the payment or already a current member or want to upgrade or renew your membership, you can login below:
John Webb2022-02-18T23:54:36-08:00
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